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Can laser hair removal burn skin?

The short answer is – it should not, but it might burn treated skin.

The successful outcome of laser hair removal depends on four factors, which we will discuss in detail here.

  1. The laser hair removal machine: A properly operated laser hair removal machine should not burn the skin. These machines are designed to reduce hair coverage, not to burn the skin. Laser hair removal devices from Candela Medical, Cynosure, and similar are designed with safeguards and rigorously tested to comply with current regulations. For example, in photo #1, you can see the screen GentleMax Pro (Candela Medical), where the operator can set correct settings by merely the skin parameters operator observes. Skin tone, hair color, and hair thickness. That’s it. Based on input from the operator, the machine will set treatment settings accordingly. The operator’s job would be to fine-tune the settings for the best results.
  2. Operator role: The more experienced the operator is, the better outcome might be, and an experienced operator can fine-tune treatment settings while staying within manufacturer recommended safe settings zone.
  3. Your skin: Yes, this is the operator’s most important and “unknown” parameter. It is imperative to be honest and upfront with the laser hair removal service provider. The questions you will hear will include:
    1. Have you been tanning or sunbathing two to four weeks before your laser hair removal appointment?
    2. Do you have any skin color-altering creams, self-tanning lotions, powders, or other substances applied to your skin?
    3. Did you have any complications after your previous treatment? 
  4. You, the customer. Yes, it is not uncommon for customers to demand particular settings or an increase in laser hair removal settings. At, we would never override manufacturer-recommended settings for laser hair removal, even if we know the customer will be unhappy and leave. 

How could any of this lead to burned skin? 


  1. If you come tanned and tell your laser hair removal provider that “this is my natural skin color,” you will increase your chances of getting burns, as laser and sun exposure do not go together. You can learn more about the physics of the process here: 
  2. If you have self-tanning lotion or any other substance on your skin, that lotion will burn and burn your skin. It is similar to placing a piece of paper on your skin and then lighting it up with a lighter. While, technically, you did not burn your skin directly, you would burn the paper, and burning paper will burn your skin. 
  3. Some topical creams will cause increased light sensitivity and will cause the skin to burn. 
  4. Some medications increase light sensitivity and might lead to burns.

You, the customer. 

  1. Never demand a change of settings.
  2. Do not alter the setting of the laser hair removal machine. 

Cheap lasers

Laser hair removal machines can be divided into three groups.

  1. Proper lasers. These are the most expensive lasers on the market and are usually reliable and effective.
  2. Mid-range lasers. This category includes all sorts of copy-cats ranging from $30,000 to very expensive but is less dependable than the first group.
  3. Cheap disasters. You can buy (on the auction sites) lasers for as low as $950. As a rule of thumb, these are poorly controlled diode lasers or IPL devices designed to look like more expensive models. No need to say you will get all sorts of problems with this device. 

Therefore, to avoid complications from laser hair removal, please be upfront with your provider and follow the laser hair removal machine manufacturer’s recommendations.i